Tips for new entrants
All items must have been grown, made or produced by the entrant. Read the category carefully - If it says "4 Onions" and you only enter 3 then you won't win!
Onions: Colour, shape size to be uniform Not over-skinned and tops neatly tied with raffia or string. Thin necked solid bulbs.Shallots: Even shaped, well ripened solid bulbs, not over skinned. Thin necks, all tops tied down with raffia or twine and arranged on a plate of sand.
Leeks: Roots and flags (leaves) should be washed and not removed. Flags may be bound in.
Potatoes Large: Clean skins after washing, do not use a stiff bristle brush, use a soft cloth. All are to be of even shape and with shallow eyes.Marrows: A young specimen is looked for, not old: big and ripe (not over 15" long).
Carrots: Clean roots and leave tap root as long as possible, even size, good colour. Do not scrub when washing. No green shoulders showing.
Beetroot: To be of even shape, size and colour. Cabbage: Good shape, solid hearts. All leaves perfect. No pest damage
Beans: Choose young and tender beans all the same length, of a dark colour with no seed development. They must break cleanly.Peas: Even size, not old. Well filled pods. Hold up to the light to see if they are full. All peas and beans should be cut from the plant with scissors, leaving a short stein attached.
Tomatoes: Even shape, medium size Well-ripened but firm with fresh green calyces attached (no green backs).
Courgettes and Cucumbers: Flowers to be left on if possible, but entries will not be penalised if not.
FRUIT IN GENERAL To be in good condition and colour, of even size, stalks attached, no blemishes, pests or diseases. Don't be tempted to polish your fruit too much; the natural bloom is a positive. Stalks to be left on soft fruit.
A single bloom is either one open flower or one flower head. Form size, freshness, undamaged foliage, long stems, good colour, good arrangement. A bud is classed as an immature flower, so if a class calls for eg 3 flowers, it means three open flowers; no buds or dead flowers to be included.
No trade name on jars. Jars should be sealed with a wax disk and cellophane cover OR a screw lid. Full jars. Full dates on labels (ie 23/08/2021).
Cakes should be exhibited on white plates of a similar size to the cake (paper plates are available at the show); cover loosely with cling film, or similar. Be careful to avoid marks from the cooling rack.
Bread: Baked previous day. A breadmaker can be used. Display on either a plate or board
Specified recipes: Exhibitors must bear in my mind that the cooking temperature and length of time for cooking given is only advisable as no two cookers cook the same and so it is up to the individual to adjust the timing according to their cooker
Remember points are lost with poor finishing: Press your display item carefully and make sure there are no loose threads. Be careful to recognise the distinction between "handmade" and "hand sewn". All soft items need to have the exhibitor’s card pinned onto the back of them to avoid any possible confusion when they are examined by the judge. All exhibits should have been made within the last two years.
Prints should be a maximum size 10x8" including a mount if used. Prints must not be framed.The photographs should have been taken in the last 2 years. The judge looks for sharpness, composition and careful cropping. For the "odd" categories, try to think differently!
Exhibits are to be staged on Saturday 9am to 11am. The provided class cards should be placed next to, pinned to or under the exhibit with your name face down so it is not visible to the judge.Paper plates are provided for your use in staging the exhibit. Please ask the stewards if you need help. Late entries will only be permitted if space allows. Judging starts promptly at 11am.It shouldn't need saying but THE JUDGE'S DECISION IS FINAL. There have been a couple of contentions in the last few years which sours the whole spirit of the show. We like our judges to be a little subjective and ask you to respect their decision. Prize money can be collected from the Treasurer at the end of the day on presentation of your 1st, 2nd, 3rd place or best in class certificate(s).
Cups and trophies are held for one year and should be returned around mid-August or at the latest when making next year’s entries.